
Welcome to the site "Instant de pause"

We all have a rich and intense rhythm of life, in which moments of relaxation often have very little place.
You will enter my "sphere" where you will discover a
source of inspiration and that will guide you on the path of fabulous
"Moments of break"


The Simorgh, King of Birds

The birds speak to us.

A passage in the Koran maintains that King Solomon was given the privilege of understanding their language. Each of them was for him like an open book, in which their intimate secret was revealed and allowed him to decipher all the mysteries of creation. One of them, a fabulous bird with a great longevity, first had to burn itself to rise from the ashes. A mysterious bird that appeared only every five centuries, on the occasion of its death and resurrection, called the Ghoghnus among the Arabs, the Phoenix among the Greeks, then the Benu among the Egyptians and finally the Simorgh among the Persians.

" There is no country without a King, so why is the land of birds deprived of it ? This can no longer last and we must go in search of a King, because in a country without a King, there is no organization."
 This King of birds was the Simorgh.
In the book of Job it is written : "And I said : I would end up in my nest like the Phoenix and I would live long days again. My root will be in contact with the water, the dew will land, at night, on my branch. My glory will be renewed unceasingly and my bow will rejuvenate in my hand ".

In Judaism, he would be the only animal not to have joined Adam when he was driven out of the Garden of Eden.
It is said that the Simorgh lives 1700 years, that it dies to better be reborn !...
It is said that he is so old that he has already seen the destruction of the World three times !...
It is said that it would bring fertility to Earth and seal the union of Earth and Heaven !...
It is said to have nested in the tree of life !...

When the Simorgh flew away, the leaves of the tree of knowledge trembled, causing the fall of the seeds of all the plants, seeds that spread throughout the world, took root and became each species of plant to heal all humanity.

"For we have a legitimate King, he resides on Mount Qaf. His name is Simorgh: he is the King of Birds. He is close to us, and we are far from it... No science has yet been able to understand its perfection. 
No one has yet perceived its beauty"






Awaken your deep desires
Let them guide you by the birds, they are the best messengers of your desires.


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